Spinpasta Wiki

Original by Kevin05fan / Rewrite by NetherRunchkins[]

DISCLAIMER: Since Kevin05fan has been blocked from this wiki for a while, I thought of fixing one of his shittypastas. And that pasta I'm doing will be Super Why! - The Evil Readers, cus everyone wanted me to do it and they'll think that it'll be better than Kevin's, which actually is good tbh. So here I have, a rewritten version of a shittypasta from that pedo lmao-


Super Why was a PBS Kids show about a kid named Wyatt, who transforms into Super Why and would go on adventures with Alpha Pig, Wonder Red, Princess Presto, and Woofster. The show ran from 2007-2016, thus the show now being a dead horse today yet still airs reruns on PBS Kids. However I’m here today to tell yet a terrifying tale that has been hidden behind the vaults of PBS.

Frenzy ahh DVD

the DVD case

I was at home watching TV, off from my break at Nickelodeon Studios, when I was yet sent another package, this time not being Nickelodeon, but rather PBS Kids instead. It was colored green as it had a sticky note that wrote out, “PLEASE DISPOSE THIS DVD IMMEDIATELY, YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!” I simply ignored the note as I opened the package. Inside layed a DVD, a Super Why DVD. The cover had the main characters in front of a background of Storybook Village with the title above them, “Super Why! - Fantasy Frenzy!” I gritted my teeth in concern as I remember my previous encounter with that banned Spongebob Squarepants Season 5 finale episode. I also knew that “Fantasy Frenzy” wasn’t a Super Why episode, which made me more concerned. The DVD look on a high budget, the case, everything you named it..


scary PBS Kids logo (real)

So the DVD was inserted inside the DVD/VCR combo player as it started out with the PBS FBI warning screen. Then it would show the PBS Kids logo, But it was completely horrifying and Almost made me peed my pants. Dash had his skin melting, showing half of his skull, with his eyes gone and Was Dripping blood, alongside the background was red and black tinted as well. There was also no music as it was drowned out by a distorted buzzing noise. The disturbing part about it was when Dash think, a disturbing distorted scream was heard.

After that there were previews and promos of many former PBS Kids shows that went through the following; Dinosaur Train, Martha Speaks, Caillou, and WordGirl.

After that the menu popped in, which was generic. Possibly a render of the DVD cover. I went for “Play All Episodes” so I could kick back and watch Super Why!

However before all episodes could play, a warning message took place in the beginning of the intro theme, where Whyatt would usually show us the book we would be reading, and what power/things I would learn, only that he wasn’t seen yet. Its animation was in the style of Season 3, and wasn’t in live action, but was instead CGI-animated.

“The last episode within this DVD is an unreleased episode that was originally planned as the Season 3 finale, but it was rejected due to its graphic content, violence, and themes that are unsettling to younger audiences. Unfortunately it was already too late and was released anyway. If you're easily sensitive to these topics, refrain yourself from watching the last episode. but with that aside, let the reading adventures commence! VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.”

The warning screen faded to the intro of the show. The episodes went through following order, “George and the Dragon through Mathis' Book of Why” In which after all episodes played, the last one was nearly fucked up to the point where I get tremendous anxiety and scarcer symptoms that changed me inside forever.

The final episode began like usual with Whyatt popping out from behind the book stand. He greets us as he hops onto the stand where the book was being held up. “Ready to go on a reading adventure?” Whyatt said. At that point there was an uncomfortable silence that fulfilled the room. “Super!” Whyatt soon accepts as he opens the book, in which it pans over to show the book.

The book’s picture had the Super Readers all looking scared and frightened as an ominous dark shadow above them with red text that said, “Depraved Readers.”

“Look!” Whyatt pointed. “It’s the Depraved Readers!”

I was concerned about where this was going, nor if this was produced as a sick joke. It showed 5 pictures describing the episode. While this it pertains to neutral into downright damned and despicable.

It then panned up to the first picture which had Alpha Pig in a cyberspace like world, with the letter E next to him. The second picture showed Wonder Red in a dark and shallow, empty hallway with the word ish next to her. The third picture showed Princess Presto in an abandoned factory with the letter L next to her. At that point it got progressively darker and disturbing for a children’s show to air. The fourth picture would show Woofster in an empty castle with his doggy dictionary in his hands with the words “DAMNATION” and “DECEASED”. The final picture had Super Why who seems to be confronting a dark and shadowy figure, who looked like a dark cloud of smoke with jumbled and scrambled text that was hard to make out beneath them.

Soon enough Whyatt appeared on the right corner of the screen as he said, “Let’s go!” As then the funding credits would play but had a disturbing twist. The library looked abandoned, it was pretty dark on the outside, as the bookshelves were demolished, and some books were scattered across the floor, the tables and chairs have been torn down and sawed up. The checkout counter was caught on fire as the computer was smashed to bits. The pillows and beanstalks were torn and shredded up to the point where stuffing was seen popping out. And everything seemed rusted and stained with dust and blood. However, what made me sick to the core was the kids that were in the library. They were presumed dead, brutally beaten to death by having their faces punched off, melted to the point where their skulls were seen, along with their bodies torn off to the point where organs and bones were scattered around them. Some of the children’s limbs were dislocated and were hung on the ceiling of the library. I was absolutely disgusted by the funding program looking as menacingly painful.

The funding credits music was replaced with slow, disturbing ambient noises that filled the room. The same Season 1 funding credits appeared, even though it was changed throughout the show’s future. Whyatt, instead of saying “Major funding for Super Why is provided by!” would actually say, “Major funding for Super Why is provided and made possible by…” in a sinister, and demonic-like pitched tone. I was puzzled on why the funding had been extended.

The Chuck E. Cheese’s Exercising bumper from 2010 would play, but it was different, far from being normalized. The gym setting was dark, and a full moon was shown, however the moon looked crimson red and had a distorted and sinister looking face. The basketball hoop was bent and had the hoop torn, the metal was also bent and rusted. The hills were burning, and the trees were wilted and withered away, and the grass was crimson. There was no music, except a demonic and slowed down version of Daisy Bell, with reverb added into it. The logo’s text was crimson red, as Chuck E. looked beaten, and his cap was rotting.

The usual announcer voice sounded like he was in actual pain and his voice was shaken. The funding dialogue was also changed to something much more disturbing. He would say this, “Please help us, we’re begging you... we’ve been tortured for who knows how long…” The logo faded out as the bumper continued, still nighttime. The dialogue still was altered, “They never had mercy with us, they only wanted us to act out so we’d be feeling great, but we can’t feel any emotion in any shape or form… because... we were too weak... to stop them..."

The kids were shown during this, and what disturbed me was that instead of them exercising and having fun, they were all screaming and crying at the same time while trying to run away from something. The girl who was flexing her muscles was instead screaming in agonizing pain. Soon after it showed the girl again, but she was trying to run away instead of screaming. The boy secondly who was originally doing jumping jacks, was banging and pounding on the screen, begging to get out before getting pulled away offscreen. It pans over to the two girls who were wrestling; however, they were actually dead, with their corpses mutilated and dislocated. Afterwards it panned to the three boys who stood there silently instead of kicking around. And then it would pan to a brown/black haired girl, all curled up while sobbing quietly. It would then pan out of the computer, but the kid shown was knocked out, with half of its face open as if he was shot by a shotgun in the face, as he was laying on the computer. The background of the scene looked dark and abandoned, as the computer was now broken with cracks all over it. Then enough, Chuck E. was seen, but very different. His outfit was torn, and his clothes were darker as he now looked like a beast. The announcer said this instead of the usual funding credits, “Please save us… or you’ll be stuck in the darkest depths of PBS Kids… where a kid can be tortured… forever…” As he said his last lines, a slowed/reverb version of what sounded like the Nickelodeon horror jingle played as Chuck E. said in a deep and loud demonic tone, “I AM GOD” before laughing demonly. The narrator’s voice then said his final words, “And we’re a deceasing sponsor.. of Super Why...”

After that, the horror wouldn’t just end there. It would show an alternate horrized version of the ABC Mouse.com bumper that scared me to death. The female announcer’s voice sounded like she was trying not to break into tears. “We also went through it too; those depraved readers took our life’s away… and they’ll eventually take it from you too…” She spoke, trying not to lose it. Instead of the kids looking at the camera they began crying. It showed a gruesome depiction of a kid, who had his arm dislocated, a black eye, his teeth knocked out and his nose bleeding. It showed another depiction of a kid, who had his face blown to smithereens, blood and brain matter was all over him, and his chest was torn open, revealing the many bloody corpses inside. Then it showed a mother and her child, but she grabbed her daughter’s hand and ran away from the computer, worriedly. The child had her legs mislocated and having one eye closed and the other one dangling out of her while she was crying. The child’s mother had her mouth agape while it was being stretched out to look like she was smiling, and her eyes were bloodshot, with tears streaming down alongside blood streaming down from her nose as-well. And when the logo itself appeared, the background was black, while the logo was rusted and looked like it was melting. Soon the arrow that clicked the logo made a short whine. As that happened the arrow turned into the mascot itself, with his face torn apart, revealing his fractured skull, as his chest was also torn open. His tail was also missing, and his arms dislocated as well. At the end she finished off by groaning this out, “We just want to escape from this demanding and cruel reality.. we don’t want to be a proud supporter of PBS Kids nor Super Why…”

After those frightening and traumatizing bumpers, the library was seen, now engulfed in flames, and the music replaced with an eerie whistling tune. Both the U.S. Department of Education and Corporation for Public Broadcasting logos were altered.

The U.S. Department of Education had the tree engulfed to flames and was lifeless, the sun was replaced with a black hole, the background was background black as well, the circle on the outer of the logo was red and the logo’s font was Chiller.

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting had the square red with the text black and in the Vampire Calligraphy font.

After those they faded out, with the “Viewers like you. Thank You.” fundings changed into something very disturbing and different. “Your independing doom is nearing. RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN!” Suddenly I heard faint wicked laughter that sounded like Whyatt as the frightening funding credits ended there.

The episode began with the intro, only that the sky was set to nighttime, with a tint of dark red added to it, while none of the Super Readers noticed the change with the sky. I must assume that it was a special intro due to the episode. Instead of the scene where Whyatt was seen pushing a book back up, it showed him waving to the audience on the bookshelf as the question mark on the door appeared behind Whyatt as usual in every episode. The intro would go normal as stated.

The episode starts off with the wrecked library, as the dead corpses of the children are seen. It pans over to the left where we see Whyatt come out, not even knowing that there are dead children in the library. He gets inside Storybook Village where Woofster was seen. He gets a sudden look at the dark, reddish night sky as he starts to worry. Soon enough before he got a call from the Super Readers, he and Woofster go off to see his friends. It then fades inside Whyatt’s house, where no one was seen except he and his friends. They talk about the dark reddish sky as they begin to figure out why the sky was red, in which he, Whyatt, calls the Super Readers as each of his friends introduced themselves and Whyatt being the last to introduce and letting the viewer introduce themselves. They head inside the Book Club, where they figure out why the sky is red. He pulls out his small tablet thingy as a jumble of words scramble the tablet screen.

He turns visibly shocked and doesn’t know how that happened. At that point he tells everyone to put their hand in, including the viewer. Then the changing sequence of the Super Readers took place blah blah blah no shit. After that the lights in the room flicker and shut off immediately as the Super Readers became scared and worried. Super Why said that this was a really super big problem. All of a sudden, faint demonic laughter erupts the room, scaring the Readers. They then decided to look in a book, where Princess Presto would say the magic words to bring out the book. However, when the book appeared, there was no name, for all except a blank book with a couple of stains within it. Wonder Red hoped that what lurks inside the book isn’t the meanie Eraser, but what they were about to find, was much in fact worse than the Eraser.

The book started to open magically by itself, however nothing was in it. Not for long however, as the scenery began to grow darker and darker, thus leaving the Super Readers and the book in a dark void. Then what came out of the book was a large, and cloudy mist with many human realistic eyes staring down below them. They ask the mist who he really is. The mist responds by saying, “I DON’T WANT TO HEAR YOUR SILLY QUESTIONS READERS. FOR THERE I HAVE FOUND THE PERFECT VESSELS I NEED.” The Super Readers were confused yet worried about the Mist’s words. They ask him what he wants and why he’s doing this. The mist wouldn’t respond but rather let out five dark tentacles and covered and choked the Super Readers as they started making realistic gagging noises while coughing up blood. While all that happened, they started to become lifeless and weariness, to the point where they all collapsed with no pulse whatsoever. The mist soon vanished, and the room began to fade back in the shot. As all that would happen, the Readers began to change looks, as the Mist whispered out, “Kill Everyone…” For starters here’s what the Reader’s designs looked like after transforming.

Super Why had dark skin, with black hollow eyes, and realistic red teeth along with his outfit in a shade of dark red.

Wonder Red had her eyes glowing white with no pupils, just like the altered versions of the Gabbas in Elyjah’s encounter with the Shadow Gabbas “Death” episode, along with half of her face blackened.

Alpha Pig looked like a butcher, with his eyes bloodshot and his pupils wide eyed. Blood was also soaked within his outfit as his face was nearly drenched with a bit of blood.

Princess Presto had her clothes much darker and rusted, while her face was hollow, with black eyes and small red pupils.

Woofster had a large black square that surrounded his face with a large realistic eye on it, while his collar was in shades of dark red too.

Whres the flyboats

the depraved ones

Soon afterwards they got back up, without saying a word. Then Super Why and the others were surprised with what happened to them, and would declare using their newfound powers, for EVIL. Super Why declared himself and the others as, “The Depraved Readers”. They all would get their WhyFly-. Actually, you know what? FORGET ABOUT THE WHYFLYERS, THEY HAVE THIER OWN MECHANISMS NOW. They all laughed evilly as they flew inside the storybook.

It cuts to a scene where we see the Big Bad Wolf about to blow the three little pigs’ houses down. Just before the wolf was about to blow the houses down, the Depraved Readers seemingly teleported in front of the Bad Wolf. The Wolf angrily berated them to leave, but they would instead huffed and puffed and blew the wolf into a black and dark void as a pair of hands grabbed the wolf and quickly dragged him in, while the wolf was heard screaming until there was nothing left from the wolf. The pigs were impressed and shocked at the same time when they saw the wolf’s demise. They told the Readers that they were pleased and impressed by what they did. However the Depraved Readers laughed hysterically at the three little pigs, which the pigs didn’t find funny however. Then the same devastating demise happened with the little pigs by sending them into that same black hole.

The Little Red Riding Hood, who was on her way to her grandmother’s house, was interrupted by the Depraved Readers stopping her by. Wonder Red asks her sinisterly, “And just where do YOU think you’re going?” The Little Red Riding Hood begins to shiver in fear while telling them, “W-What do you mean? What are y’all talking about?” Then Alpha Pig berated out, “YOU DECEIVER, WE’RE TRICKING YOU FOOL!” before he slices her head off and eats her head up.

The scene abruptly cuts to Princess Pea studying for her test. Just then a familiar voice echos out, “Ready for your test? Princess?” Princess Pea looked over behind her, there stood the Depraved Readers with menacing grins. TESTING TIME!! Princess Presto takes out her wand and shoots it at her, turning her into stone, before demolishing her after.

It cuts to the Giant’s castle from Jack and the Beanstalk, where Jack was seen practicing for his playing for the Giant. Before Jack played some music for the Giant, the Readers flew in, holding what seemed like a long crowbar. “STEP ASIDE JACK. I’m afraid YOU aren’t gonna be playing some music tonight.” Super Why berated. Jack was confused, and so was the Giant. Super Why begins to scrape the crowbar, making a loud and uncomfortable screeching noise that made Jack’s and the Giant’s heads explode into blood and guts.

The next scene showed a montage clip where the Depraved Readers were killing the rest of the Storybook characters in gruesome ways. Before they were about to kill the last remaining character, the scene cuts to black for a couple of seconds before we see Storybook Village engulfed in flames. Then out of nowhere, the Eraser flies in, looking around for the Depraved Readers. That was until he found them, standing behind them. “Well well well, if it isn’t the “Super Readers”…” The Eraser mocked. The Depraved Readers didn’t say a word, but Super Why would then say, “MAKE HIM KNOW WHAT FEAR TASTES LIKE.” Similar to that one quote from Nightmare on Elm Street. They would begin erasing the Eraser alive as he begs for mercy. Soon enough, the fate of Storybook Village has been sealed. Somehow the entire village erupted into flames as demonic eerie screams from hell filled the area.

The Depraved Readers teleported into the shot out of thin air and spoke to us. “Look at you, you weren’t able to interfere with OUR plans. Pathetic human! We’ve destroyed your dream life, all the stories in Storybook Village. And not to mention..” Super Why said as it then panned up to the darkish red sky. The “Hip Hip Hooray” song began playing, but it was nightmarish fueled, as the music was a distorted version of a music box cover of the song itself. The Super Readers still had their Depraved forms as the song continued on.

The first clip showed Super Why ripping Goldilock’s spine out as he changed the word in the sentence.

The second clip showed the Depraved Readers eating up the storybook characters alive as they tried to make an escape from them.

Lastly it showed the Depraved Readers, still dancing like in the original episodes of the show. And after singing the “Hip Hip Hooray” song, the Depraved Readers started laughing wickedly before turning to the camera and saying this, “I AM IMMORTAL, BECAUSE FEAR NOT, WE ARE COMING FOR YOU BRYON!” Holy shit, they knew my name, 3rd time in a row. I was nearly shocked and surprised at what happened. Soon enough it cuts back to the now engulfed Storybook Village, the question marks weren’t seen nor visible, disturbingly I could hear many pained screams/screeches from the distance as it did the usual black circle closing before cutting to the closing funding. The closing funding however was WORSE than the opening one.

The library was wrecked much more than earlier, as the bookshelves fell over with many torn up books scattered around. The tables and chairs were also broken, shattered completely, with the beanstalk and pillows engulfed in flames. The sign was destroyed, while soaked in blood. The wall’s paint was peeling off and becoming dark grayscales. The computer that was destroyed earlier was now in flames. The carpet from earlier also had tearing and rips, as there were more dead corpses of children that had been beaten to death, just like the opening funding credits. And instead of the usual music was an eerie whistling tune from the opening funding. Let's just say it was the same as the opening with a couple of changes, or perhaps not, because it only showed a glitchy screen with demonic laughter that boomed through my speakers.

The credits began playing, but it took place in the fate of the storybook village as it still played those disturbing screams/screeches. It also showed the Super Readers, still Depraved, watching from afar, laughing maniacally as they watch their land slowly burn to ashes. I felt so scared I wanted to turn off the player, but I just couldn't. I didn't want to move nor do anything. The closing logos were yet again, altered.

The C.O.R.E Toons logo had the saw drenched in blood as the background was black. Not to mention that the logo itself was rusty and bloody as well.

The Decode Entertainment Inc. logo had the yellow squared robot’s head torn apart, showing blood and guts everywhere and parts of his skull too. The background was also in a dark tint of red.

The Out of the Blue Enterprises logo was in a red tint and in a horror font, and a shortened, yet demonic toned screeching noise was heard as it reached the lens.

After that it showed the Super Why! website promo, but with alternative changes. The computer was still damaged, and the arrow was rusty red and was dripping blood. The Super Readers were still in their depraved form. Instead of the usual script of the promo, it would say this, “Calling all Depraved Readers! If you're seeing this, we will never leave you alone and will forever torture you in your nightmares!” Before he laughed demonically. The text, “pbskids.org” was instead “pbskids.exe” I then heard what sounded like a slow, demonic laughter.

Then the PBS Kids logo was seen, except it was just like the DVD opening, only that Dash now had bloodshot eyes with his pupil dilated, sunken down as he looked back and forth before looking at the screen. He didn't think, but rather reached out towards the screen as he made a demonic and agonizing screeching noise. The screen glitched out, only for the PBS Kids logo to appear again, except for the font being gothic like, and Dash’s face worsened as he looked like he was blown to smithereens.

Soon afterwards the DVD ended there, or I thought it ended there, as a message came up, reading my FULL ADDRESS. Yes, you heard me right, address. Not long after, a closeup shot of Super Why's face was seen, only that he was still in his depraved form. Loud, and demonic toned screaming was heard as the image flashed over and over. After that traumatic scene, the DVD actually came to a close and took me back to the menu. I immediately took out the disc and attempted to destroy it manually.

I didn't want to contact PBS about what just happened. That night I wasn't able to sleep because of that episode, and through my days I felt like I might encounter one of these lost and banned episodes again. So, after that incident, I saw Super Why! airing on PBS Kids on my TV, turns out they were playing an episode named, “The Depraved Readers”.
